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A Young Man in the Library

Education Ministry

The purpose of the Education Ministry at The Stonecrest Church of Christ is to educate and equip the saints for works of service.

We offer a variety of classes, training, development and encouragement with the intention of addressing a variety of needs. Our classes are designed to be supplements to our personal Bible study. Each quarter we try to offer a variety of classes to increase Bible knowledge and promote individual spiritual growth.


The goals of our education ministry are as follows:


  • Increase Bible Knowledge

  • Enhance spiritual growth

  • Increase a desire for God's Word

  • Develop and strengthen Godly relationships

Since the Bible is God's Word, studying it is a way to know God better. Sunday School improves your Bible knowledge. When you know and understand God's Word for yourself, you are more likely to obey the Lord. The Bible knowledge gained in Sunday School also helps you become more proficient in using God's Word, the Bible.


If you’d like to learn more contact us at:

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Church of Christ




750 Mt Carmel Road

McDonough, GA 30253



Stonecrest Church of Christ

P. O. Box 338

McDonough, GA 30253

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Worship with US

Sunday Worship Service - 9:30 am

Sunday Bible Classes (all ages) - 11:30 am

Wednesday Night Bible Study - 7:00 pm 

©2022 by Stonecrest Church of Christ

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