Ephesians 4:11-13
And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

Evangelism is the goal of every ministry and the call of every Christian. The Stonecrest evangelism ministry supports this mandate by providing intensive training, follow-up and support to members who are gifted in this area of service and have a passion for winning souls. The ministry will coordinate directed efforts (campaigns) to target people in communities we’re trying to reach.
The education ministry involves the administration and coordination of classes, training, and programs for youth and adults to facilitate learning, understanding and spiritual growth. On-going Bible study and application of Bible principles serve to strengthen discipleship of believers.

The marriage ministry works to strengthen marriages with Godly wisdom and practical application. The ministry prompts believers to examine their thoughts, words, and actions and compare them with the Word of God. The ministry provides opportunities for the evangelism of other couples through fun, fellowship, workshops, and retreats. About 63% of Stonecrest members are married.
The “Men of Stone” ministry was established as a safe place for men to have honest talk about real issues. It’s also a place where they begin to heal, build and lead others to Christ. The ministry strives to have every man actively engaged Christian leadership within his home, his church and his work.

The mission of the women’s ministry is to encourage, empower and equip women to discover and use their God given gifts in service to Him and to others. The ministry develops opportunities for fellowship and for outreach to other women in the community.
The S.M.A.R.T. ministry will use visual marketing, digital technology and social media to share the good news of the gospel. Currently, members skilled in these professions are developing plans to use these tools to evangelize millennials, youth and others who use mobile devices as their primary means of communication and connectivity.

The Singles Ministry engages a network of single adults from across metro-Atlanta – as well as sister churches in other states - in devotions, Bible studies, fellowship, volunteering, and social activities. As believers in a season of singlehood, the ministry works to strengthen singles to fulfill God’s purpose in their lives.
L.I.F.E. Groups
Stonecrest members live in 11 counties across metro Atlanta. The LIFE Group Ministry gathers members living near each other for fellowship and evangelism to bring souls to the kingdom of God. The LIFE groups also serve as circles of care, working together to meet the needs of people within the LIFE group so that no member suffers alone, or experiences lack, but every member feels loved, cared for, and connected.

Young Adults
The Young Adult Ministry engages young adults, 18-25 in opportunities to meet and connect with their peers. The ministry works to engage young adults in an opportunity to meet and fellowship with their peers. They also have dialogue about specific things that they’re dealing with and discuss ways to strengthen their faith walk. Connect with us for Wednesday night Bible Study!
The Stonecrest Youth Ministry works to build faithfulness and character among children 6 to 18 years of age. Children are taught how to demonstrate their faith and are encouraged to bring their friends to age appropriate activities.

Cancer Care
Stonecrest Church of Christ hosts an active
Journey of Hope Cancer Care Ministry. Our heart
is to embrace, comfort and encourage men,
women and families fighting cancer. We provide
practical support and spiritual care to those
affected by cancer. If you or someone you care
about is impacted by cancer, we would like to
partner with you on this journey.
Seasoned Saints
The purpose of the Senior Saints' ministry is to strengthen and encourage a community of senior adults and equip them to reach, teach, minister, and fellowship. Senior Saints is a ministry to and of adults aged 65 and up. Many of our group have faithfully served in the church from 30 up to even 50 years, and though they may have retired from their professions, they have certainly not retired from ministering. Our Seasoned Saints program encourages them to continue their ministry by offering regular fellowship with other senior adults and mentoring opportunities with younger generations.

Mental Health
Mental health includes the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of each individual. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we handle stress, relate to others, and make life choices. The Stonecrest Mental Health Ministry is here to help anyone struggling with mental health challenges. The ministry offers counseling, referrals and other means of individual and family support The ministry also works to improve mental health awareness.